How to repair a plaster ceiling

Fixing a plaster ceiling that is quartering is a messy task, but not very difficult. Sometimes there is a moisture problem or leak to be fixed, but as many of the plaster ceilings are very old, so very often generates cracks is that they are old. The secret for lasting repairs to cracks in the plaster is to use drywall instead of cover with putty.


  1. Cover the work area with plastic or cloth. If possible, remove furniture from the room or move them where you go to work.
  2. Scrape loose material from cracks in the corner of the chisel or putty knife. Leave a groove where the crack is.
  3. Use putty instead of filling compound because it is a little harder and more flexible. Put a little on the tray, using a 15 cm knife, put a thin layer of mud over the crack. Try the crack is in the center of the mud line, and make sure there are no spots without covering, as this can cause the drywall to peel off.
  4. Place the basin of plaster on the center line of mud. Generally, the cracks in the plaster zigzag rather than straight. Short breaks or sheet shaped to cover the crack completely.
  5. Holding one end of the sheet in place so it does not move, use the knife to smooth and match it to the clay firmly. Try to eliminate all the bumps and wrinkles of excess material without damaging the blade. Let dry for a day or overnight before the second layer. When dry before applying the second coat of mud, you can crush it bumps and wrinkles.
  6. Using the knife 25 cm, apply a second coat of mud on the repair. The thicker application allows a seamless blend with the surface around. As this is a thinner layer, it will take four to eight hours to dry. If you go to apply texture on the repair, two coats are sufficient. Once dry, you can sand and apply texture. If your roof is not smooth, you’ll need a third light coat of mud to make it look good.
  7. Apply the third coat, matching the edges as much as possible. Remember, while your application is lighter, have less sanding later. Let dry for four to eight hours or overnight.
  8. Softens with sandpaper. Work with good lighting and use your hand to check any imperfections. Many times it is easier to feel uneven surfaces you see them. Once paired, removes dust from the roof and apply a coat of primer on the repair before repainting.

Tips and Warnings

  • If large sections of the roof are falling or sinking with great damage, further work will be required.
  • For fair crack at the junction of the wall with the roof, a good layer of silicone caulking can serve.
  • Never put unused mud back in the bucket, because it can be contaminated with dry material. Throw it in a trash bag, not in the sink.