Steps to design the layout of a bathroom

The distribution stage is the first step to renovate or build a bathroom. Before adding the finishing touches, such as pavement or tiles, you must make a distribution of the main basic structures of pipes and elements most important, including bathtub, shower, toilet and sink. Before you do it, see building codes and local laws (in some areas only are allowed to make licensed plumbers).

The installation diagram thick or hidden

Normally, make a chart is the first step to install a bathroom. A simple diagram used to show the distribution of pipes and ventilation of the room, coming to every element of the bathroom lines. The diagram usually shows various pipe sizes, the elements used to unite and used for ventilation.

Designing the pipes

Once you’ve made the diagram, the first step in a bath physical distribution involves drawing the pipes and eliminated bringing the bathwater. Once you have marked the pipe system according to the diagram, you can try to check for leaks, even before connecting the toilet, sink and other elements. Use tongs to hold the elbows where the toilet and other items should be placed. Leave the water running in the system to check for leaks.

Installing toilets, bathtubs and sinks

Finally, the installation process involves connecting pipes from the bathroom to your appliances, such as toilets, bidets, tubs, showers and sinks. Usually, manufacturers provide the measures required by each device, which determine the ideal space between the nearest wall and drainage. For example, to toilets, the distance between the drain and the nearest wall is 12 inches (30 cm), sometimes known just as thick or hidden installation. In addition, this process might include installing basic valves, known as installing valves that control the flow of hot and cold water even before it reaches the tap of the device.


According to building codes in your area, you might have to apply for building permits for new construction or renovations either before or after the phase of thick or hidden installation. In some cases, you need to present the installation diagrams municipal housing department or association of the community to continue the process. Check all the requirements in your area to decide if you can do it yourself or if you need a licensed architect or a contractor do it for you.